Create your own Apple HomeKit Accessories to monitor air quality data using BleuIO

July 24, 2024
Create your own Apple HomeKit Accessories to monitor air quality data using BleuIO

In this tutorial, we’ll walk you through the process of creating your own Apple HomeKit accessory that monitor and manage air quality data from a BLE device, specifically the HibouAir air quality monitoring device. By the end of this tutorial, you’ll have a functional BLE application that integrates with Apple’s HomeKit, demonstrating how easily you can develop BLE applications with the BleuIO dongle.

Overview of the Project

In this project, our goal is to create a BLE application that communicates with the HibouAir device, which provides air quality data. The application will:

  1. Connect to a BleuIO USB dongle to communicate with BLE devices.
  2. Scan for the HibouAir device using AT commands.
  3. Decode the air quality data from the HibouAir device.
  4. Integrate with HomeKit to display and manage the data in a smart home environment.
  5. Update the accessory information and continuously monitor the air quality data.

What is HomeKit?

HomeKit is Apple’s framework for home automation that allows users to control smart home devices using their Apple devices. With HomeKit, you can control a wide range of devices like lights, thermostats, locks, and sensors through the Apple Home app, Siri voice commands, and other Apple devices.

The key features of HomeKit include:

  • Secure Communication: HomeKit uses end-to-end encryption to ensure that data transmitted between your devices and the Home app remains private and secure.
  • Integration with Siri: HomeKit-enabled devices can be controlled using Siri voice commands, enabling hands-free control of your smart home.
  • Automation: Users can create automated routines and scenes that trigger actions based on time, location, or device status. For example, you can set up a “Good Night” scene that turns off the lights and locks the door when you say goodnight to Siri.

What is HAP-NodeJS?

HAP-NodeJS is an open-source implementation of the HomeKit Accessory Protocol (HAP) written in Node.js. It allows developers to create HomeKit-compatible accessories and bridge devices that can be controlled through Apple’s HomeKit ecosystem.

Devices Required

To follow this tutorial, you will need:

  1. BleuIO USB Dongle: A Bluetooth Low Energy USB dongle used to interface with BLE devices.
  2. HibouAir Device: A BLE air quality monitoring device that provides air quality metrics such as temperature, CO2 levels, humidity, and light levels.
  3. A Computer: Running Windows, macOS, or Linux ,  Raspberry Pi or any other platform that can run Node.js.

Connecting to BleuIO

To connect to the BleuIO dongle, we’ll use Node.js and the serialport package to communicate with the BLE device. The BleuIO dongle interfaces with your computer over a serial port, which allows you to send AT commands and receive data from BLE devices.

Decoding the Data

Once we receive the data from the HibouAir device, we need to decode it. The data is encoded in a specific format that we will parse and extract the relevant air quality metrics. We use a function to decode the advertisement data, which includes temperature, CO2 levels, humidity, and light levels.

Setting Up HomeKit Environment Data

We will use the hap-nodejs library to integrate our application with HomeKit. This will allow us to create HomeKit accessories that represent our air quality metrics. We set up services for temperature, CO2 levels, humidity, and light, and update these services with real-time data from the HibouAir device.

Running the Script

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to set up and run the script:

  1. Install Required Packages
    First, make sure you have Node.js installed on your computer. Then, install the required npm packages by running
    npm install hap-nodejs serialport
  2. Create the Script
    Save the following code as hibouair.js or clone it from
const hap = require('hap-nodejs');
const { SerialPort } = require('serialport');

const Accessory = hap.Accessory;
const Characteristic = hap.Characteristic;
const CharacteristicEventTypes = hap.CharacteristicEventTypes;
const Service = hap.Service;

// Get the device ID from the command-line arguments
const deviceId = process.argv[2];

if (!deviceId) {
    'Device ID not present. Please provide the device ID as follows:'
  console.error('node hibouair.js <device_id>');

// Define the manufacturer name you're looking for
const targetManufacturer = 'Smart Sensor Devices';

// Buffers to hold the incoming data
let buffer = '';
let scanningDetected = false;
let responseFound = false;
let port; // Variable to hold the SerialPort instance

// Initialize HomeKit accessories globally
let temperature, co2, humidity, light;

async function connectAndSendCommands() {
  try {
    // Get a list of all serial ports
    const ports = await SerialPort.list();

    // Find the port with the specified manufacturer
    const targetPort = ports.find(
      (port) => port.manufacturer === targetManufacturer

    if (!targetPort) {
      console.log(`No port found with manufacturer: ${targetManufacturer}`);

    // Log the selected port
    console.log(`Connecting to port: ${targetPort.path}`);

    // Create a new SerialPort instance for the selected port
    port = new SerialPort({
      path: targetPort.path,
      baudRate: 9600, // Adjust the baud rate as needed

    // Event handler for when the port opens
    port.on('open', () => {
        `Port ${targetPort.path} is open and ready for communication.`

      // Write the initial command
      port.write('AT+CENTRAL\r\n', (err) => {
        if (err) {
          console.error('Error writing initial command:', err.message);
        } else {
          console.log('Initial command sent: AT+CENTRAL');

      // Start the periodic scanning for BLE data
      setInterval(() => {
        port.write(`AT+FINDSCANDATA=${deviceId}=5\r\n`, (err) => {
          if (err) {
            console.error('Error writing scan command:', err.message);
          } else {
            console.log(`Scan command sent: AT+FINDSCANDATA=${deviceId}=5`);
      }, 20000); // 20000 milliseconds = 20 seconds

    // Event handler for when data is received on the port
    port.on('data', (data) => {
      buffer += data.toString();

    // Event handler for when there is an error
    port.on('error', (err) => {
      console.error('Error:', err.message);
      if (port) {
        port.close(() => {
          console.log('Port closed due to error.');
  } catch (err) {
    console.error('Error listing or connecting to serial ports:', err);
    if (port) {
      port.close(() => {
        console.log('Port closed due to error.');

  function processBuffer() {
    // Split the buffer into lines
    const lines = buffer.split('\r\n');

    for (let i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {
      const line = lines[i].trim();

      if (line === 'SCANNING...') {
        scanningDetected = true;
      } else if (line === 'SCAN COMPLETE') {
        scanningDetected = false;
      } else if (scanningDetected && line.length > 0) {
        // Extract the data from the line
        const dataMatch = line.match(/^\[.*?\] Device Data \[ADV\]: (.+)$/);
        if (dataMatch && dataMatch[1]) {
          const extractedData = dataMatch[1].trim();
          console.log('Extracted data:', extractedData);

          // Decode the data
          const decodedData = advDataDecode(extractedData);
          console.log('Decoded data:', decodedData);

          responseFound = true;
          buffer = ''; // Clear the buffer after finding the response

          if (!temperature || !co2 || !humidity || !light) {
            setupAccessory(decodedData); // Setup accessory if not already done
          } else {
            updateAccessory(decodedData); // Update accessory with decoded data


    // Keep the remaining buffer if no relevant line was found
    buffer = lines[lines.length - 1]; // Retain the last part of the buffer

  // Function to decode the advertisement data
  function advDataDecode(adv) {
    let pos = adv.indexOf('5B0705');
    let dt = new Date();
    let currentTs =
      dt.getFullYear() +
      '/' +
      (dt.getMonth() + 1).toString().padStart(2, '0') +
      '/' +
      dt.getDate().toString().padStart(2, '0') +
      ' ' +
      dt.getHours().toString().padStart(2, '0') +
      ':' +
      dt.getMinutes().toString().padStart(2, '0') +
      ':' +
      dt.getSeconds().toString().padStart(2, '0');
    let tempHex = parseInt(
      '0x' +
          .substr(pos + 22, 4)
    if (adv) dataShowing = true;
    if (tempHex > 1000) tempHex = (tempHex - (65535 + 1)) / 10;
    else tempHex = tempHex / 10;
    return {
      boardID: adv.substr(pos + 8, 6),
      type: adv.substr(pos + 6, 2),
      light: parseInt(
        '0x' +
            .substr(pos + 14, 4)
          '0x' +
              .substr(pos + 18, 4)
        ) / 10,
      temp: tempHex,
          '0x' +
              .substr(pos + 26, 4)
        ) / 10,
      voc: parseInt(
        '0x' +
            .substr(pos + 30, 4)
          '0x' +
              .substr(pos + 34, 4)
        ) / 10,
          '0x' +
              .substr(pos + 38, 4)
        ) / 10,
          '0x' +
              .substr(pos + 42, 4)
        ) / 10,
      co2: parseInt('0x' + adv.substr(pos + 46, 4)),
      vocType: parseInt('0x' + adv.substr(pos + 50, 2)),
      ts: currentTs,

// Function to setup HomeKit accessory
function setupAccessory(data) {
  const accessoryUuid = hap.uuid.generate('hap.hibouair.sensor');
  const accessory = new Accessory('HibouAir', accessoryUuid);

  // Create a function to initialize services
  function initializeService(
  ) {
    const service = new serviceType(serviceName);

    const characteristic = service.getCharacteristic(characteristicType);

    characteristic.on(CharacteristicEventTypes.GET, (callback) => {
      console.log(`Queried current ${serviceName}: ${initialValue}`);
      callback(undefined, initialValue);


    return {

  // Initialize temperature, CO2, humidity, and light services
  temperature = initializeService(
    'Temperature Sensor',

  co2 = initializeService(
    'CO2 Sensor',

  humidity = initializeService(
    'Humidity Sensor',

  light = initializeService(
    'Light Sensor',

  // Set accessory information
    .setCharacteristic(Characteristic.Manufacturer, 'Smart Sensor Devices')
    .setCharacteristic(Characteristic.SerialNumber, deviceId);

  // Publish the accessory
    username: '17:51:07:F4:BC:8B',
    pincode: '123-45-678',
    port: 47129,
    category: hap.Categories.SENSOR, // value here defines the symbol shown in the pairing screen

  console.log('Accessory setup finished!');

// Function to update HomeKit accessory with new data
function updateAccessory(data) {
  temperature.initialValue = data.temp;
  co2.initialValue = data.co2;
  humidity.initialValue = data.hum;
  light.initialValue = data.light;

  console.log(`Updated current temperature: ${temperature.initialValue}`);
  console.log(`Updated current CO2 level: ${co2.initialValue}`);
  console.log(`Updated current Humidity level: ${humidity.initialValue}`);
  console.log(`Updated current light level: ${light.initialValue}`);

  // Update the characteristic values

// Call the function to connect and send commands

Run the Script

Execute the script from your terminal by providing the device ID as an argument:

node hibouair.js 220069

This command will start the script, connect to the BleuIO dongle, scan for the HibouAir device, decode the data, and set up the HomeKit accessories with the real-time data from the device.


This tutorial demonstrates how easy it is to develop BLE applications using BleuIO and integrate them with HomeKit. By following these steps, you can create real-time monitoring solutions for a variety of BLE-enabled devices, enhancing the functionality of your smart home environment.

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