BleuIO’s new firmware version 2.2.0 allows changing the output format

May 13, 2022
BleuIO’s new firmware version 2.2.0 allows changing the output format

A new AT command has been added that allows the user to see detailed response for every AT commands. This level of details can be helpful for troubleshooting problems as it explains the different error codes, disconnection reason codes and event codes. For that reason, users can take advantage of verbose mode for troubleshooting purposes and turn it off when it’s not needed.

This new mode changes the output to a more structured and unified format which includes command IDs for all command-related messages. The command-related outputs are more easily separatable from the event outputs. The idea is to make the BleuIO output more consistent, easier to use in scripts and generate more useful error messages.

The command to turn this new feature on and off is: ATV1 (on) ATV0 (off).

List of response format and code list is given below.

Response Format

Response TypesDescritonFormat
CCommand response. Assign a response index.{“C”:Command Index,”cmd”:”command“}[Carriage Return] (ascii:\r\n hex:0x0A and 0x0D)
AAcknowledgement response.{“A”:Command Index,”err”:error code in hex,”errMsg”:”Error Message String“}[Carriage Return] (ascii:\r\n hex:0x0A and 0x0D)
RReply response. Different reply data for different commands. Not all commands have reply data.{“R”:Command Index,Reply data}[Carriage Return] (ascii:\r\n hex:0x0A and 0x0D)
EEnd response. Signify end of the command.{“E”:Command Index,”nol”:number of lines belonging to this command (excluding scan responses))}[Carriage Return] (ascii:\r\n hex:0x0A and 0x0D)
SScan data response.{“S”:Command Index,”rssi”:rssi value,”addr”:”mac address“,(if available)”name”:”device name”}[Carriage Return] (ascii:\r\n hex:0x0A and 0x0D)
SFScan find data response.{“SF”:Command Index,(if AT+SHOWRSSI turned on)“rssi”:rssi value,”addr”:”mac address“,”type”:advertising type,”data”:”data in hex”}[Carriage Return] (ascii:\r\n hex:0x0A and 0x0D)
STScan target response.{“ST”:Command Index,(if AT+SHOWRSSI turned on)“rssi”:rssi value,”addr”:”mac address“,”type”:advertising type,”data”:”data in hex”}[Carriage Return] (ascii:\r\n hex:0x0A and 0x0D)
SEScan ended response.{“SE”:Command Index,”action”:”scan completed”}[Carriage Return] (ascii:\r\n hex:0x0A and 0x0D)
EventsEvent response. Different event response data for different events. All events have event response data.{event code:”Connection Index in hex if any otherwise 0xFFFF“,Event response data}[Carriage Return] (ascii:\r\n hex:0x0A and 0x0D)

Error Code List

Error CodeDescription
0x01Generic failure
0x02Already done
0x03Operation already in progress
0x04Invalid parameter
0x05Not allowed
0x06Not connected
0x07Not supported
0x08Not accepted
0x0ARequest timed out
0x0BNot supported by peer
0x0CCanceled by user
0x0DEncryption key missing
0x0EInsufficient resources
0x0FNot found
0x10No credits available on L2CAP CoC
0x11MTU exceeded on L2CAP CoC
0x12Insufficient bandwidth

Event Code List

Event CodeDescription
256Connection established
258Disconnection event
260Advertising operation completed
263Connection parameters updated
264Pairing request
265Pairing completed
266Security request from peer
268Passkey request
269Security level changed indication
271Set security level failed
272Connection parameters update completed
273Data length changed
276Numeric request
278Long Term Key missing
279SPS Service Event
768Service found during browsing procedure
769Browsing procedure completed
770Service found during discovery
771Included service found during discovery
772Characteristic found during discovery
773Characteristic descriptor found during discovery
774Discovery completed
775Read attribute value completed
776Write attribute value completed
777Value notification received
778Value indication received

Disconnection Reason Code List

Status CodeDescription
0x08Connection timeout
0x13Remote User terminated connection
0x14Remote device terminated connection due to low resources
0x15Remote device terminated connection due to power off
0x16Connection terminated by local host
0x1FUnspecified error
0x3DConnection terminated due to MIC failure

List of AT commands and their sample output can be found at Our Getting Started Guide.

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