BleuIO Firmware Update V2.1.4
March 25, 2022
BleuIO released a new firmware version 2.1.4 on March 24, 2022, introducing new features and enhancements to improve productivity. You can download the updated firmware from
Following features and AT commands has been added to this release
Added features:
- BleuIO can now toggle on/off the written data echo after a gattcwrite command.
- It is now possible to set a timer for AT+FINDSCANDATA & AT+SCANTARGET scans just like with AT+GAPSCAN. Just end the command with “=<scan_time>”. Like AT+FINDSCANDATA=123456=5.
Added Commands
- Added a new command ATEW to Turn WRITTEN DATA echo on/off after GATTCWRITE commands. (On per default).
To meet the demands of users, the BleuIO team will continue to update and add new features. To find out more about the updates of the dongles new firmware 2.0.7, please visit our Getting Started Guide.
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