Master BLE Device Discovery with BleuIO : An Expert Guide for BLE Developers

July 20, 2024
Master BLE Device Discovery with BleuIO : An Expert Guide for BLE Developers

Enhancing BLE Applications with BleuIO: Efficient Device Scanning and Data Retrieval

In the world of Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) technology, discovering and connecting to nearby devices is a foundational feature. Whether you are developing a BLE-enabled smart home system, a fitness tracker, or an industrial IoT application, the ability to scan for nearby devices and retrieve data efficiently is crucial. The BleuIO USB dongle, with its user-friendly AT commands, simplifies this process significantly. This article explores how to utilize the scanning features of BleuIO to enhance your BLE applications.

Why Efficient Device Scanning is Essential

Efficient scanning for BLE devices is vital for several reasons:

  1. Device Discovery: Quickly identifying and connecting to nearby devices is crucial for seamless user experiences in applications such as smart home systems, wearables, and more.
  2. Data Retrieval: Scanning allows you to gather advertising and response data from nearby BLE devices, which can be used for various purposes, from device identification to obtaining sensor readings.
  3. Power Management: Optimizing scan parameters helps conserve battery life, which is particularly important for portable and battery-operated devices.

How BleuIO Can Be Helpful

The BleuIO USB dongle offers a range of AT commands that make BLE development straightforward and efficient. Key among these are commands for scanning nearby devices and retrieving advertising data. Let’s dive into three essential commands: AT+GAPSCAN, AT+FINDSCANDATA, and AT+SCANTARGET.


The AT+GAPSCAN command initiates a Bluetooth device scan, either indefinitely or for a specified duration. This command is only accepted when the device is in the central role and not connected to any other device.

  • Usage:
  • AT+GAPSCAN starts an indefinite scan.
  • AT+GAPSCAN=seconds starts a scan for the specified number of seconds.
  • Example:

[01] Device: [1]30:63:C5:D0:B1:DE RSSI: -38

[02] Device: [0]D0:76:50:80:0A:98 RSSI: -75 (

[03] Device: [1]27:5D:B8:2E:96:B0 RSSI: -51

[04] Device: [1]5E:CE:CF:C5:20:BB RSSI: -84


In this example, the AT+GAPSCAN command scans for nearby BLE devices, displaying their addresses and signal strengths (RSSI).

Practical Applications of AT+GAPSCAN

  1. Smart Home Systems: Automatically discover and list all BLE-enabled devices in your home, such as smart lights, locks, and thermostats.
  2. Wearable Devices: Quickly identify nearby fitness trackers or health monitors for data synchronization.
  3. Retail Environments: Scan for BLE beacons that provide location-based advertisements or information.


The AT+FINDSCANDATA command scans for advertising and response data containing specific search parameters. This scan can run indefinitely or for a set duration and is particularly useful for filtering devices based on their advertised data.

  • Usage:
  • AT+FINDSCANDATA=search_params starts an indefinite scan for devices containing the specified search parameters.
  • AT+FINDSCANDATA=search_params=seconds scans for the specified duration.
  • Example:

[00:D4:2E:CD:72:23] Device Data [ADV]: 02010618FF5B00110101010101010101011405326845343864353466757675

[D7:D3:AA:00:B5:24] Device Data [ADV]: 02010618FF540930430924302903049320943094F90890548359049E495432


In this example, the AT+FINDSCANDATA command scans for devices advertising data that contains the string “FF5”.

Practical Applications of AT+FINDSCANDATA

  1. Custom Applications: Filter and find specific BLE devices in environments with many BLE signals.
  2. Targeted Marketing: Identify BLE beacons with specific advertising data for targeted advertising campaigns.
  3. Industrial Monitoring: Locate and interact with BLE sensors that provide specific types of data.


The AT+SCANTARGET command scans for advertising and response data from specific devices. You can scan for one or multiple devices, and the scan continues indefinitely unless a timer is set.

  • Usage:
  • AT+SCANTARGET=[addr_type]slave_address starts an indefinite scan for the specified device.
  • AT+SCANTARGET=[addr_type]slave_address=seconds scans for the specified device for the given duration.
  • Multiple devices can be scanned by separating addresses with a semicolon (;).
  • Example:

[00:00:00:00:00:01] Device Data [ADV]: DataXYZ

[00:00:00:00:00:01] Device Data [RESP]: DataXYZ

In this example, the AT+SCANTARGET command scans for advertising and response data from the device with address 00:00:00:00:00:01.

Practical Applications of AT+SCANTARGET

  1. Device Tracking: Continuously monitor specific devices for location and status updates.
  2. Data Collection: Retrieve advertising and response data from specific BLE sensors in a targeted manner.
  3. Security Systems: Monitor specific BLE-enabled security devices for activity and alerts.

Testing your BLE application

Testing is critical phases in the development of BLE applications. The scanning features of the BleuIO USB dongle, particularly the AT+GAPSCAN, AT+FINDSCANDATA, and AT+SCANTARGET commands, make these tasks easier and more effective for BLE developers.

During the testing phase, developers need to verify that their BLE applications can reliably discover and interact with nearby devices. The AT+GAPSCAN command allows developers to initiate comprehensive scans of the BLE environment, quickly identifying all nearby devices along with their signal strengths (RSSI). This functionality is essential for:

Range Testing: Evaluating the effective communication range of the application, which is crucial for applications requiring long-distance connectivity, such as smart home systems or industrial IoT.

Compatibility Testing: Ensuring the application can detect and communicate with a wide range of BLE devices, regardless of manufacturer or model.

Performance Testing: Assessing how well the application performs in environments with multiple BLE devices, including signal interference and response times.

The scanning features of the BleuIO USB dongle are indispensable tools for BLE developers, especially during the testing and prototyping phases. Commands like AT+GAPSCAN, AT+FINDSCANDATA, and AT+SCANTARGET not only streamline the discovery and interaction with nearby devices but also enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of the development process. With these powerful scanning capabilities, developers can ensure their BLE applications are robust, reliable, and ready for real-world use.

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